Achilles Tendonitis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain or discomfort in the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendonitis generally occurs in people who are active in sports and is more frequent in people in their 40’s and older, as the tendon loses elasticity as we age. Sports commonly associated with Achilles tendonitis are basketball, tennis, running, football, soccer, volleyball and cycling.
Our office utilizes advanced Stem Cell Recruitment Therapy as one treatment option to this painful condition. The use of this safe, drug-free solution has been in use for over 10 years with great success in wound healing, tissue protection, and repair. It’s use has expanded and brought many patients relief from pain that conservative/alternative treatment methods have not. Now available in a pure cell-free injectable solution this FDA approved treatment is proven safe and effective in reducing the inflammation associated with painful Achilles tendinitis. It’s method is simple and straight forward. The doctor administers a single injection of Pure Amniotic fluid and it goes to work supporting the bodies natural ability to heal itself. You can return to most regular activities immediately.
Another common Achilles condition is the Achilles tendon rupture. People with this condition often describe a feeling of being kicked or hit with a baseball bat in the back of the heel during athletic activity, and are unable to continue or walk normally. A diagnosis of an Achilles tendon rupture is commonly made during a visit to your podiatrist. He or she may order an MRI to confirm the diagnosis of a tear or to determine the extent of the tear. The most common location for a tendon tear is within the tendon substance just above the heel where the Achilles tendon attaches into the heel bone, or higher in the leg where the tendon attaches to the calf muscle. Depending upon the severity of the tear, this injury may require surgery to repair the damage.